Staying with a German Family
The ideal way to improve your German.
- We can arrange for you to lodge with a German Family during your stay in Munich.
- Prices per day are between 40,- Euro and 55,- Euro and include breakfast and dinner.
Hotel Accomodation
If you prefer to stay at a hotel, please check the following links:
- More than 1000 Hotels, Pensiones, Apartments und Guesthouses in Munich. You have the possibility to select locations of a specific category. Lists for locations in the different districts of Munich or locations outside of Munich city are available, too.
Münchner Hotelverbund (in German only)
- Hotels and other accomodation, with a Hotel-Navigator.
Fremdenverkehrsamt der Stadt München
- Hotels and other accomodation, informaton about events and sights etc.
Want to live here for a time?
If you are looking for a furnished flat or room for a certain time, see below:
Mitwohnzentrale “Zwischenmiete” (in German only)
- versteht sich als kostenlose Alternative zur klassischen Mitwohnzentrale. In deren Wohnungsmarkt finden Sie viele provisionsfreie Wohnungen und WG-Zimmer.
- Full-Service Agentur für Wohnen auf Zeit.
- Führender Anbieter für Wohnen auf Zeit.
Unterkunft in Jugendherbege und Hostel?
Wenn es etwas schlichter und einfacher sein soll.
- Reasonable prices in a young people’s atmosphere
- Reasonable overnight stays in a Christian, “family” atmosphere
- Unique, cheap Camping Hostel in the midst of nature. Ideal for the summer.
Many more pieces of information , leisure tips and everything you should know as a” new citizen” of Munich, you will find in”NEW IN THE CITY München“, the annual magazine for newcomers.